Top tips on dental hygiene

Over the course of a lifetime your teeth have a major role to play in your general wellbeing. They facilitate eating and speech, while their positioning also helps retain the shape of the face and the jaw. Protecting these hardworking teeth against cavities, disease and deterioration all comes down to routine and vigilance. Here our […]

Choosing a dentist

Like any health practitioner, your dentist should be a trusted advisor who works with you to optimise your general health and wellbeing. Meanwhile, a relationship with a good dentist could be one that spans decades, with their services and expertise extending to multiple generations of your family. So how do you go about finding the […]

Habits that damage your teeth

You might brush your teeth twice daily, floss regularly and visit your dentist each year without fail, but did you know there are a wealth of daily habits that could be undoing all this good work? Each day many people unwittingly partake in a host of habits that damage your teeth. From grinding to nail-biting, […]

How cavities are created

According to a recent study by the World Health Organization 60 to 90 per cent of school-aged children and nearly 100 per cent of adults globally have dental cavities. It’s a frightening statistic that in many cases could be avoided by good oral hygiene and regular access to a dentist. So, in a bid to […]

The Dangers Of Oral Piercings

What is oral piercing? An oral piercing is a small hole in the tongue, lip or cheek so the person can wear jewelry as an expression of style. But it can be dangerous. Risks of oral piercing The mouth is filled with bacteria that can lead to infection and swelling. A swollen tongue can make […]

What causes bad breath and how to fight it

There are many causes of bad breath. Below are some details on the key reasons, and what you can do to reduce them. Bacteria One of the main causes of bad breath is bacteria. Bacteria is everywhere and we can’t get rid of it especially when there are good types of bacteria that our bodies […]

Tooth Discoloration

There are several causes of tooth discoloration, including: Foods/drinks. Coffee, tea, colas, wines can stain your teeth. Tobacco use. Smoking or chewing tobacco can stain teeth. Poor dental hygiene. Inadequate brushing, flossing, and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash to remove plaque and stain-producing substances like

What Can You Do About Sensitive Teeth?

Tooth sensitivity can affect one or more teeth. It’s most common when you eat or drink something hot, cold, sweet, or sour. Sometimes a breath of cold air can set it off. The pain can be sharp and sudden and can shoot deep into the nerve endings of your teeth. What Causes Sensitive Teeth? You […]